Camera Shape 3 IN 1 Detachable Multifunctional Masturbator
$82.45 $65.96
Fast Male Stroker Moaning Heating One-key Orgasm Male Masturbator
$112.49 $89.99
Auto Stroker Thrusting Sucking Vibrating Heating
2 In 1 Penis Pump Enlargement Training Male Masturbator
$137.49 $109.99
Unimat Beck 6-Thrusting Vibrating Automatic Masturbation Cup
$117.49 $93.99
Ultimate Pleasure: 9 Suction, Vibration & Heating Male Masturbator
$85.83 $68.66
Ultimate Pleasure: 7-Mode Sucking & Rotating Masturbator Cup
$106.24 $84.99
Male Masturbator with LCD and 8 Unique Vibration & Thrust Modes
$85.99 $68.79
10 Telescopic Voices Masturbation Cup
$137.46 $109.98
You have seen 57 out of 57 products
Automatic Masturbation Cup
The Automatic Masturbation Cup is designed for men who want a hands-free experience that feels incredibly lifelike. Equipped with motors and sensors, this cup can mimic the movement of a real partner, providing thrusting or stroking sensations without requiring any manual effort. With various speed and intensity settings, it allows you to customize your experience, offering a level of convenience and pleasure that’s unmatched. Perfect for men who want to sit back and enjoy the ride, the Automatic Masturbation Cup empowers you to focus on your pleasure without lifting a finger. Ideal for solo use or enhancing foreplay with a partner, this cup is a game-changer for those looking to experience effortless satisfaction.